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Case Laws

High Court Appeals Nos.259, 272, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 298, 320, 338 of 2019, 04 of 2020, Constitutional Petitions Nos.D-6072, D-7920 of 2017, D-2436, D-2691, D-4429 of 2018 and D-2133 and D-3229 of 2019, decided on 24th December, 2021. Dates of hearing: 6th October and 6th December, 2021.

Customs Reference No.52 of 2016, heard on 2nd February, 2023. Date of hearing: 2nd February, 2023.

Income Tax Reference No.40 of 2021, decided on 27th March, 2023.

Writ Petition No.26907 of 2024, decided on 2nd May, 2024.

Customs Reference No.11 of 2012, decided on 5th March, 2024.

Income Tax Reference No.36 of 2022, decided on 22nd May, 2024.

S.T.R. No.26-P of 2023, decided on 19th September, 2023.

Writ Petition No.34736 of 2024, decided on 3rd June, 2024.

Tax Reference No.04 of 2006 (and other connected References), decided on 2nd May, 2023.

Special Customs Reference Application No.1339 of 2015 (and others connected cases), decided on 7th May, 2024.

Writ Petition No.4290 of 2023, heard on 1st April, 2024.

Constitution Petition No.8233 of 2019 (and connected matters, particularized in the Schedule hereto) decided on 27th February, 2023.

Writ Petition No.4643 of 2022 and C.M.As. Nos.96, 162, 165, 169 of 2022 and 04 of 2023, decided on 8th March, 2024.

Writ Petition No.17688 of 2024, decided on 28th March, 2024.

Civil Appeals Nos. 1314 to 1337 of 2014 and Civil Appeals Nos.1611 to 1624 of 2013, decided on 19th December, 2023.

Writ Petition No.76380 of 2023, decided on 20th November, 2023.

C.P. No. D-3049 of 2023, decided on 6th November, 2023.

Writ Petition No.16217 of 2020 (and other connected petitions), heard on 6th June, 2023. Date of hearing: 6th June, 2023.

Writ Petition No.505-P of 2023, decided on 25th May, 2023.

Writ Petition No.79632 of 2022, decided on 17th January, 2024.

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